pRECISION Accredited Fund, LP

Private Investing with Precision Capital in Eugene, Oregon

Welcome to consistent returns backed by real estate for Accredited Investors.


The way it works:

The Precision Accredited Fund , LP, “The Fund,” allows investors (hereafter “Limited Partners”) who meet the criteria of an Accredited Investor, the ability to purchase units in The Fund. Each unit is $1.00 and the minimum purchase is 50,000 units. Each Limited Partner may own a different number of units, including fractions of units, once the one-unit minimum is achieved.

The loans acquired are selected by Precision Capital, the General Partner, within the guidelines detailed in the offering documents.

The General Partner provides all Limited Partners with an earning statement for the previous period on a monthly basis. Partners have access to our web portal 24/7 to view their account.

Limited Partners may elect to receive their distribution monthly via electronic deposit or may select the growth option, where earnings are retained by The Fund and automatically reinvested on their behalf.



The Precision Accredited Fund, LP offers limited partners a "Preferred Return" of 8 1⁄4%.

A Preferred Return is the target that the General Partner feels is consistently attainable to distribute to the Limited Partners monthly. The Preferred Return is not a guaranteed return, but a return that

Precision Capital loans have historically earned.

The General Partner will hold back some funds for reserves. This FDIC-insured reserve account is to cover potential loan losses and other Fund expenses. It is anticipated the Preferred Return will be met event after the reserve is withheld.

In the event that The Fund's actual return at the end of a calendar year exceeds 8 1⁄4%, the General Partner and the Limited Partners share evenly in the upside! Because the Preferred Return is targeted to be the actual return, this potential upside, while nice, should be considered a bonus and not to be counted on.

Unlike many investments, the General Partner only makes money when the Limited Partners do!

Each Limited Partner can select whether they want their monthly return deposited into their bank account or reinvested for future growth.

Please review the Precision Accredited Fund offering documents prior to investing. If you have any questions please contact the Investments Team at (541) 485-2223 or

Private investing Eugene, Oregon


When you work with Precision Capital you work with people not computers or order takers. Our Investment Team will meet with you personally at any time to learn about the funds Precision Capital offers. Regardless of which fund you select, all of your investments are backed by trust deeds on real estate protecting your investment.


Review Our Offering

As with any investment, certain rules and regulations apply to the Precision Accredited Fund. Precision Capital encourages you to read through it carefully before committing your hard-earned money to our investment platform. We look forward to working with you and helping your money work for you!

This does not constitute an offer to sell, nor the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. Any such offering will be made through the offering documents which include the Private Placement Memorandum or Offering Circular, the Limited Partnership Agreement, and the Subscription Agreement, all of which investors should carefully review before investing.

Offering Circular

Limited Partnership Agreement

Subscription Agreement

Distribution Reinvestment Plan

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